Digital Competence School Bundle - Yearly Subscription

£275 / year

This comprehensive subscription bundle contains all the individual year group digital solutions, from nursery through to year 6. Developed for schools in Wales, it focuses on Hwb, iPad and 2Simple Purple Mash applications to support the development of DCF and coding across the curriculum. Also sections on application specific training on Google Apps, O365, J2e, Purple Mash and relevant iPad apps.
child using tablet device

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Gareth Morgan

Gareth's primary school teaching career began in 1996. In 2003 Gareth joined Newport LA in South Wales, eventually becoming their ICT curriculum improvement adviser. For over 20 years Gareth has worked across Wales and beyond providing advice, support and training in the use of digital technologies as both a curriculum subject and also in its effective use across the curriculum to schools. He has an MSc in eLearning and strong interest in the effective use of collaborative cloud technologies such as Office 365 and G Suite for Education and the benefits these tools can bring to the whole school. He has worked for Welsh Government as an ICT subject adviser, where he worked closely on what it means for pupils to be digital competent and in helping to develop the Hwb platform communities. Gareth delivers in school staff twilight sessions and whole day INSET. Face to face courses are delivered through Collective Learning.


“We had our inspection last week and received positive feedback about the Digital Learning Den! I discussed the impact it has had on staff confidence and ensuring progression of the DCF skills. One of the inspectors also a head teacher was interested in taking it back to her school!”

Primary School - Digital Lead Teacher

“Lots of amazing activities to cover in the Reception classroom.”

Reception Teacher

“This is brilliant, thank you so much! Will be of huge help to the year 6 team. We really appreciate all your time and hard work to get these to us so quickly. The children will also really enjoy these tasks and activities.”

Deputy Headteacher - In response to new resources